December 19, 2012

Say it every day...

This week has been a difficult one for many. Seeing the loss of so many young children, and their wonderful hero teachers, is difficult for anyone, but personally its been difficult as a mom. It became especially difficult when it was announced that many of these children were born in 2006.

In October 2006 I welcomed my first child. My life changed forever that day. I went from being a young woman who's only concern was what fun my husband and I could have to being responsible for a little life. I remember the moment he was born as literally the most overwhelming and joyous moment of my life. As he was placed on my chest I felt the most over powering feeling of love! I have never felt like that before! How you could instantly love something that much, its indescribable. If you haven't experienced it yourself, its just not something you can explain.

This tragedy really puts things into perspective. These babies are the same age as my baby. They were all so young and full of life, so much left to give this world and their families. And now they are senselessly gone. We'll never know what they could have done in this world. They've certainly left impressions on the world and their deaths will not be in vain I'm sure.

This tragedy as helped me appreciate what I have more. I have three beautiful, healthy children. Three wonderful souls who are going to make a mark on the world. I have a bright 6 year old who enjoys school, computers and has such a kind heart. I have a funny 4.5 year old who can always make me laugh when times are difficult. And I have a beautiful 1 year old daughter, who I hope I can have a close friendship with as she grows, she lights up my day and makes me smile with her goofiness!

I have a few hopes and dreams for my children. Its not that they are doctors or make tons of money. Its that they grow to be kind, generous and successful people. That they always know how loved they are. That they follow their hearts and do what makes them happy in life. That they feel comfortable to be who they are, no matter who that is! They are find love with who ever makes them happy and deserves them. That they see their lives are worth living, cause they matter to me. That people look at them and think happy thoughts, that no one ever fears them and only sees the light and love within them. I hope they are kind to others and others feel like they can lean on them when they are in need. I hope they are kind and polite to others. I hope they are generous and share with others. I hope they volunteer their time and give to those in need when they can. I hope that they laugh a lot and surround themselves with great friends and family. People who bring out the best in them.

I hope most of all that I can be the kind of mother who creates these people for the world. I see so much wonderful potential in them and I hope I am able to bring out the best of them and help to form great members to contribute to our society and make it a better place. I hope they hear my lesson that you don't have to be friends with everyone, but you have to respect them and be kind to them.  I hope that they can find a friend in someone who is in need of one.

So my lesson from this tragedy is to tell them something positive everyday so they grow into these individuals. To tell them they're smart, to tell them they are capable of anything, to tell them they're kind. To be sure they understand how much they are loved, how smart they are, how beautiful they are, that just who they are is enough and it matters to the world. That they're making a difference and that I appreciate everything in them. That I love them, more than anything else in this world.

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