June 26, 2011

Favorite Organizer!

Cube storage is quickly becoming my favourite storage organizer!! I now have 3 storage systems, one in the livingroom, one in the boys room and one in the nursery!

They're available in a few different colours, as are the baskets you can get to organize with. My first few baskets I got a Zellers, but have since discovered the Martha Steward ones at Home Depot, which I prefer for their sturdiness and they have a label on the front so you can label your baskets (especially helpful to help my husband find and organize the toys!)

Heres a shot from the boys room (old pic when I first set it up) each basket has something different in them (Animals in red, Blocks in green, Lego in Blue, etc...)

I decided since Little Lady's room is smaller than the boys room I would buy the 6 cube one for her room, these are the Martha Stewart baskets (I have them in the livingroom too). For her I was able to put shoes in one, socks & tights in another and hats & headbands in another, with the labels I labelled each one so when/if Jaime is going to get her dressed he knows where to find these things. She only has a couple toys so far so I'm going to put a couple in there for now, and use the top to display a couple photos once shes here!

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